I decided to try my hand at graphic design. Wow, it is really different from just regular drawing! There are a few different 'Shirt sites' that let you submit designs, and dependent on votes, they may or may not get printed. I think that part of my problem is that I don't do a lot of digital work, but many of the shirt sites require that all art submitted be colour separated. Not something you can really do with pencil crayons!
Not to mention, I'm very used to letting my art drift out of frame, and generally, for graphics, it has to be centered and complete. This really hurt my little art brain!
Woot! has a weekly 'theme' and you must submit for that theme and follow any rules (ie: no text, or no turtles) for their derby. The theme for these past two shirts was Back To School. No text allowed, but incidental writing is okay. Sadly, Whoot! does not allow bathroom humour, so there goes PRETTY MUCH ANY IDEAS I could come up with.
The next week was Dogs. Not text allowed. I came up with these. First one is Faithful Shepherd.
This one was Mauraders. Needless to say, nothing I've made has been printed. *sad face* I do see a lot of improvement in my designs though, and that alone is worth the effort. I don't think I'll quit my (non-paying) job as a fanartist, but these were fun to make, and now many of them are for sale at my own Redbubble store. Some as iPhone cases, some as shrits, and many as stickers,
I'm still designing, and spending some time re-working stuff that is vague enough to slip under the copyright radar. Dreamworks doesn't own the rights on Blue Hands, do they?? ;)
I must say, graphics has been fun, and has really worked my brain in ways that regular fanart hasn't. I look forward to making more.
Links to some shirt sites that you might want to try. Let's hope you have better luck than me! :D
Woot! http://shirt.woot.com/Derby/
Threadless: http://www.threadless.com/submissions